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Foodservice Retail

Langostino Meat

A Popular Seafood Ingredient

Frozen Langostino meat is processed from wild caught Langostinos by our trading partners in Chile. The Chilean Langostino fishery is responsibly managed and Langostino meat is processed under world class food safety standards. Langostino meat is sweet like lobster with a firm but delicate texture when cooked. Langostino meat is often featured as an ingredient in dishes that would normally call for lobster meat or shrimp.

  • Great addition to any stuffing or casserole
  • Fully cooked, ready to serve
  • Blast frozen to preserve freshness

Expertly Wild Caught and Consistently Processed


  • Peeled and Deveined
  • 100% traceable

Langostino Meat

Description Pack
60-100 ct Langostino Meat P&D 4 x 5#
70-120 ct Langostino Meat P&D 4 x 5#
GFSi Global Food Safety Initiative